Top Five Cayman Attractions Passenger's Love 2019

1. Stingray City

Stingray City remains the number one activity on the island. Most folks’ first experience with the rays is an excursion from a cruise ship. That one experience draws guests back to the island to re-live that experience. The magic of these gentle giants exceeds even the most vivid imaginations. The Rays are protected and well feed. Good Stingray operators never lift them out of the water. The females are larger than males. Legend has it if you kiss a stingray 7 years good luck.

2. Bio Bay

Next is “Bio Bay”, a favorite of many for it is like viewing glowing magic in the ocean. Bioluminescence is created by microscopic plants that, when disturbed, glow in the dark. One passenger shared that he jumped in the water and created a glow angel, like making a snow angel in the ocean. One of the operators, Cayman Kayak, had a special electric boat designed to make sure he did not disturb the ecosystem.

3. Crystal Caves

The newest top attraction is Crystal Caves, situated in a lush tropical forest in Northside, Grand Cayman. Visitors receive a guided walking tour and learn how the caves were formed and found. Spectacular tours, approximately 1 ½ hours, take guests through the surrounding tropical forest area and 3 caves. The kids come back and tell me there are real bats in that cave. And, of course, the underground lake is magical.

4. Queen Elizabeth II Botanic Park

Quickly becoming a favorite is Queen Elizabeth II Botanic Park, home of the Wild Banana Orchid, the national flower of the Cayman Islands, which blooms in early summer. Also, the Cayman parrot, the national bird, resides in the park. Just recently I was pleased to see several blue iguanas roaming freely. Within the park is the protected Blue Iguana Recovery Program for all to see this endangered beauty, native only to Grand Cayman.

5. Frigate Feeding at Tukka

Many passengers speak of seeing the feeding of the magnificent frigate birds as the coolest thing they have ever experienced! A local restaurant owner at the East End, Ron Hargrave of Tukka restaurant has trained these magnificent birds to fly in each afternoon for feeding time, one passenger shared that watching the birds fly in from all directions reminded him of the classic movie “The Birds” when the sky gets dark from the birds flying in on the horizon.


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